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Notifications Customization

Notification Template Sets

Notification Templates are used for several purposes in AlphaTrust® e-Sign. One purpose is to notify a user that they need to sign a document. This can be triggered by setting the Participant's SendRequestViaEmail property to true. Another purpose is to send any participant's involved in the transaction (including external third-parties) a copy of the signed document once the transaction is completed. There are also Notification Templates for notification of transaction expiration and cancellation, among others. These Notification Templates sets are managed from within the AlphaTrust® e-Sign Control Panel by an Admin user for the appropriate account (Please reference the AlphaTrust® e-Sign Control Panel Guide for more details).

participant = new ParticipantInsertModel()
                FullName = "John Smith",
                EmailAddress = "",
                SendRequestViaEmail = true,
                EmailTemplateSetName = "MyCustomTemplateSet"


The property name for this feature is EmailTemplateSetName instead of NotificationTemplateSetName because the initial usage only dealt with emails and we have since added in SMS functionality so we changed the name from Emails to Notifications to cover both emails and SMS.


There may be times when you would like to customize any outgoing notifications with personalized data. For example, if you wish the Participant Notification to say "Dear John," at the top of the email or SMS message, you could use an Notification Template Placeholder. In order to do this, you must have some placeholders ready in your Notification Template. Those placeholders should be alpha-numeric strings of text surrounded by double curly braces.

















Cancelling Participant




Skipping Participant


So, for example, if you want to personalize the notification shown below with a first name and a number for the participant to call if they have questions you could do the following:

Dear {{FirstName}},

Please sign your document by clicking on the link below:



Alan Agent
MyCompany, Inc.

If you used the following code:

participant = new ParticipantInsertModel()
                FullName = "John Smith",
                EmailAddress = "",
                SendRequestViaEmail = true,
                EmailTemplateSetName = "MyCustomTemplateSet",
                EmailNotifications = new List<object>{
                                    new EmailNotificationModel() {
                                        Subject = "My Custom Email Subject",
                                        SendDelayInMinutes = 0,
                                        Placeholders = new List<object>
                                            new EmailNotificationPlaceholderModel()
                                                Name = "MyEmailPlaceholderName",
                                                Value = "My Email Placeholder Value"
                //You can assign global placeholders here but they are overridden in the 
                //Participant Request email if you using the EmailNotifications Property shown above
                EmailTemplatePlaceholders = new List<object> 
                    new EmailTemplatePlaceholderModel()
                        Name = "FirstName",
                        Value = "John"
                    new EmailTemplatePlaceholderModel()
                        Name = "SupportPhoneNumber",
                        Value = "555-555-5555"

The final output notification to the Participant would look something like this:

Dear John,

Please sign your document by clicking on the link below:


Alan Agent MyCompany, Inc. 555-555-5555

"From" Addresses

The FROM email name and address used for emails sent during a specific transaction is set by these rules in this order:

  1. If the Transaction's OutgoingEmailFromName and OutgoingEmailFromAddress properties are set in the CreateTransactions() API method call this From Name and Email Address will be used for all outgoing emails for this transaction.
  2. If not defined in transaction as described above, the outgoing emails for the transaction will be sent from the Owner Name and Owner Email address (which is configured in the Pronto Control Panel's Group section).
  3. For any outgoing emails that are not account-related or transaction-related, the outgoing emails from come from the Temp_Email_Name and Temp_Email_Addr system-wide configuration setting values. These must be set by a system administrator in the \AlphaTrust\Pronto\Programs\ProntoConfig.ini file.