API Overview
The AlphaTrust® e-Sign Web Services API is a highly flexible e-signature process automation API, providing fine-grained control for the design and implementation of any document workflow.
AlphaTrust® e-Sign Web Services are the recommended method to use for all integration and development activities. Web Services in AlphaTrust® e-Sign support both SOAP and REST technologies. Our REST endpoints are the recommended method to use when integrating with AlphaTrust® e-Sign to ensure you can leverage our latest capabilities. AlphaTrust® e-Sign continues to support the SOAP protocols for existing functionality (SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2).
Validating Communication
To test the communication path between your application and the AlphaTrust® e-Sign Web Services, you can leverage the following method:
CommunicationTest - Allows the developer validate the connectivity and communication between the developer application and the AlphaTrust® e-Sign Web Services API.
Transaction Management
Transactions – The AlphaTrust® e-Sign Web Services API methods allow the developer to create the desired workflow, which is centered around the unit of work called the “Transaction”. Each Transaction in AlphaTrust® e-Sign may have one or many documents associated with it. Each document may have one or more Tasks to be performed by one or many Participants associated with that document. Documents submitted to AlphaTrust® e-Sign as part of a Transaction are typically created by other software applications. Transaction processing consists of three logical “primary steps” that are Transaction creation, Transaction execution and transaction disposition. This workflow includes the Transaction, the documents, the Participants, and the Users that are within a Group. Transactions can be controlled by the following methods:
Allows the developer to invoke a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to create one or multiple new Transactions.
Allows the developer to update the status of a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request the object containing only the information that the developer can update.
Allows the developer to initiate a close of an open Transaction.
Allows the developer the ability to pass a security token that you can pass in to the web services method and get back the actual values that should be in the query string. This way you know for certain that the user has not modified these values because they come directly from PRONTOSign and you can safely use it to query and present or update data.
Allows the developer to digitally seal a completed document and create a corresponding Audit Report for the document.
See Transaction-Related Code Samples
AlphaTrust® e-Sign processes documents in HTML format and Adobe® PDF format. PDF documents may include file attachments of any file type. Documents can be controlled by the following methods:
Allows the developer to request one or more documents for a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to insert a document into a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to update a document within a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request the object containing only the information that the developer can update.
Allows the developer to update the status of a document to complete within a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request the object containing only the information that the developer can update.
Allows the developer to void a specific document in a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to update the form fields for data collection required for a specific document within a specific Transaction.
See Document-Related Code Samples
AlphaTrust® e-Sign is designed to accomplish four critical tasks that are "best practices" processes for electronically signing documents:
- Proper presentation of the document according to legal and regulatory requirements.
- Proper collection of the electronic signature according to legal and regulatory requirements.
- Auditing of the transaction - who signed it; when did they view it, sign it, were e-mailed a copy; what IP address was used, etc.
- Establish a chain of custody over the document such that it may be proven during a future dispute or compliance audit that the audit trail (shown in the Document Audit Report) was recorded and that the document has not been tampered with or altered in any way since signing.
Audit Reports can be controlled by the following methods:
Allows the developer to request one or multiple Audit reports on closed Transactions.
Allows the developer to verify the authenticity of a completed document by comparison to the Audit Report.
Allows the developer to get specific data files associated with a pdf file in a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request one or more documents that are in a TIFF format for a specific Transaction.
See Evidence and Audit-Related Code Samples
A Participant is a signer, initialer or reviewer that will be assigned one or multiple Tasks in a specific Transaction. Participants are acted on with the following methods:
Allows the developer to insert a Participant into a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to get a Participant for a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to update a Participant within a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request the object containing only the information that the developer can update.
Allows the developer to resend the email notification to a Participant at a specific time interval.
Allows the developer to update the Participant status in a workflow action within a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to update the Task status in a workflow action within a specific Transaction.
GetParticipantsUpdateable allows the developer to get a list of Participants that is updateable within a specific Transaction.
See Participant-Related Code Samples
A Task is an action by a Participant in a specific Transaction that include signature, initial, acknowledgement, delivery and no action required. Tasks are accomplished with the following methods:
Allows the developer to get a Task for a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to insert a Task into a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to update a Task within a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request the object containing only the information that the developer can update.
Allows the developer to get a file attachment for a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to insert a file attachment into a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request a remote signing of a document via email.
Groups are the entities under which Transactions and the associated Documents are submitted for Tasks to be performed. Multiple Groups can be assigned to segregate business units with different Participants and Users. Groups can be control using the following methods:
Allows the developer to get a Group for a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to insert a Group into a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to update a Group within a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request the object containing only the information that the developer can update.
Allows the developer to delete one or multiple Groups within a specific Transaction. Groups are the entities under which Transactions, or Documents submitted for Tasks, to be performed (most likely for signatures) are submitted. For normal scenarios, only one Group is needed. You may wish to segment up your reporting or logins for your Users into sub Groups under the Primary Group.
Allows the developer the ability to match a 3rd party application used in a Transaction with the style of the PRONTOSign application pages used in that same Transaction.
See Group-Related Code Samples
Users are persons or identities within a Group that will act upon one or multiple Tasks within one or multiple Transactions. Users can be control using the following methods:
Allows the developer to get a User for a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to insert a User into a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to update a User in a specific Transaction.
Allows the developer to request the object containing only the information that the developer can update.
Allows the developer to delete a User in a specific Transaction.