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Signing Remotely

Signing documents remotely is typically when you want to apply a signature on a document without using the AlphaTrust® e-Sign workflow or signing interface. This call requires, at minimum, the TaskID for the task you wish to complete which doesn't necessary need to be a signing task. It could be any of the available task types which are, Signature, Initial, Acknowledgement, Delivery, and NoActionRequired. If the task requires authentication (of which, only Password, PasswordHashed, and RegisteredUser are supported), you will need to pass that data in along with the task's ID property. For Password authentication, just pass in the clear-text password in the Password property. For the RegisteredUser authentication, you need to pass in both the Username and the Password properties.

var req = new TaskRemoteSignRequestModel()
                Tasks = new List<object>
                            new TaskRemoteSignModel()
                                ID = 1234567890,
                                //Password = "p@ssword123", //password is only required for Password or Registered User auth.
                                //Username = "johnsmith"  //username is only required for RegisteredUser auth

var api = new TasksApi(myRestEndpointUrl);
var results = api.RemoteSign(req, apiKey, apiSecret, apiUsername, apiPassword);

if (results.IsSuccessful.Value)
    //do work...
    //handle error


If a registered user has a signature image stored in their AlphaTrust® e-Sign user profile and the Participant Signature's ApplicationType is set to Registered, then than image will be used for the visual signature image.