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Control Panel Overview

The AlphaTrust® e-Sign Control Panel is a user-friendly web portal that can be used independently or in conjunction with our Web Services API.

This page outlines the sections of the Control Panel and their respective functions, and provides an explanation of Control Panel "Workflows".

For a more comprehensive overview, see our Control Panel Help Guide

Sections of the Control Panel

(1) Dashboard

  • Quickly view and launch transactions
  • View a queue of your pending Tasks and 'Auto-sign' them, if enabled

(2) Reports

  • Query and drill down into Transactions to see statuses, audit trails, update incorrect Participant information, re-send notifications, and more.
  • Inspect historical trends and perform 'completion rate' analysis on past transactions
  • Upload documents to verify digital signature

(3) Workflow Designer

  • Configure Workflows
  • Web Forms – create HTML web forms for use in workflows. Includes 'auto-generate' feature.
  • Documents – upload, edit, and store documents in a repository
  • Content – customize any signing process content (multi-language support)
  • Notification – customize any emails and SMS (multi-language support)
  • Branding - customize any signing process branding

(4) Account

  • Maintain Groups, Users, Permissions, etc.
  • Plug in your credentials to utilize Single Sign-On, or any of the integrations we offer (e.g. LexisNexis, Twilio, GoogleTag, LogRocket, and more)

(5) Developer

  • Maintain API Credentials
  • View API Logs and System Logs


For a straightforward setup and rapid launch of document workflows, the Workflow Designer in the Control can be utilized. This is a no-code tool used to configure "Workflows" – reuseable templates that, when "launched", create a Transaction according to the definition of the Workflow and the launch parameters.

Workflows provide unlimited configuration capabilities for automating and streamlining document processing. For example, in some cases, this may involve a single, ad hoc electronic signature; in others, you might configure a highly complex, fully branded experience that is completed thousands of times each day.

Once configured, Workflows can be:

  • Duplicated, Exported, Imported: avoid duplicating your work
  • Launched via spreadsheet: use a CSV file to bulk-launch transactions without requiring an API integration
  • Launched via API: leverage your user-configured Control Panel Workflows within an API integration


A hybrid-approach (Control Panel workflows, retrieved and launched via API) is often advantageous:

(1) It allows for an efficient go-to-market strategy:

  • first, automate paper processes using Control Panel Workflows, requiring minimal time-to-market and no developer resources
  • then, optionally and at your convenience, build an API integration with your systems that utilizes your already-configured workflows.

(2) It allows for real-time Workflow adjustments without the need to modify integration code or include extensive configurations within your own application.