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Set to true to avoid transaction charges (for those license types that have transactions charges). This will result in a TEST DOCUMENT banner printed in each PDF document and Test document only - not for general use printed under each signature in HTML documents.


May be set to a font size from 8 to 36 points. If missing or 0 then it will default to 10 points. This value controls the font size in the signature prompt for PDF documents. The signature prompt is typically the yellow highlighted Click Here to Sign text displayed to users.


If a transaction has failed (i.e. status is Closed(7), Cancelled(8), or Expired(9), then the transaction directories and files will be deleted. This conserves file space.


The AlphaTrust® e-Sign database information for the transaction is never deleted, just the document files and their associated directories.


Number of days to wait before deleting failed transaction files if DeleteFailedTransactionFiles is true. The minimum is 1 day. The default is 7 days.


  • true Add signature date/time to signature block (default)
  • false Do not.

Only meaningful for HTML documents.


  • false Is not using Windows EFS in the data stores
  • true Is using EFS.


A values from 1 to 365 means force a User password change after that number of days, otherwise do not force a User password change.


AlphaTrust® e-Sign records the client IP address at the time of signing. There are special cases when using firewalls, load balancers, etc. where such intermediary devices will alter or remove the client IP address. In some cases the true client IP address will be added by such devices to a custom HTTP header value that is then passed on to AlphaTrust® e-Sign. This value is normally set to "X-Forwarded-For" If you have configured your intermediary device to add the true client IP address to a different custom HTTP header, you must set that custom HTTP header value here. For example, if your custom HTTP header name is X-Forwarded-for, then you would set:


All requests will then use the IP address passed in this custom header, rather than the IP address reported by IIS.


  • true delete the PNG files AlphaTrust® e-Sign uses for the PDF "PageImage" user interface after the document is complete (status=4). This saves disk space as these files are not needed after document completion. Please note: there will be a 3-4 day delay; the cleanup runs daily at the time specified at SystemUpdateTime, but the PNG files will only be deleted for transactions completed at least 3 days (72 hours) before the cleanup.

  • false do not delete the PNG files.


The number of minutes to allow a document session to live. This is a timeout value (default is 30 minutes). If a user starts a document session (signing, review, delivery, etc.) the timeout value will be checked at several steps in the process. If the user's session has expired then the user may need to re-authentication or may be returned to the caller. Valid values are 1 to 10800.


A value from 0 to 4 specifying whether and what type of watermark is stamped on PDF pages when retrieving them.

  • 0 means do not watermark
  • 1 means print the watermark diagonally,
  • 2 means print the watermark across the top
  • 3 means print the watermark across the bottom
  • 4 means print the watermark across both the top and bottom.

This setting and the "Text" settings below do not affect the document-specific watermarking requested on any specific transaction.


Text to watermark when retrieving 'original' documents - documents as submitted to AlphaTrust® e-Sign.


Text to watermark when retrieving a document that was cancelled.


Text to watermark when retrieving a document that expired before processing was complete.


Text to watermark when a "copy" is specifically requested.


Text to watermark when retrieving a document that was voided.


Minutes to wait to retry a failed Queued Action Item (usually a Document or Signature 'POST' action) before retrying the action. Default = 5. Valid range 1 to 1440.


Limit in minutes to continue to retry a failed Queued Action Item before recording the action as failed. Default = 4320 (3 days). Valid Range QueuedActionRetry value to 52596000 (100 years).


The number of seconds to wait for a response to a queued action request. This is a timeout value (default is 10 seconds). If a post to an URL exceeds the timeout value, the post will fail, and the Queued Action will be attempted again or expired based on the number of retries allowed (QueuedActionLimit and QueuedActionRetry).


Minimum font size in points. This value is used for the auto-fitting of signature block data in PDF documents where Autofit is requested and a MinFontSize is not specified in the request for that item. Valid values are 2 to 12. Default = 8.


true to prompt users to opt-in for the use of cookies with this application.


  • true indicates applications are running in a SaaS environment (allow external user groups).
  • false indicates on-premise (internal user groups only)


Specifies the maximum size for an uploaded file in megabytes. Default = 50.


Specifies the maximum upload payload in megabytes (sum of all file sizes). Default = 100.


Defines the minimum length of a password. Valid values are greater than or equal to 8. Default = 12.


Defines the maximum length of a password. Valid values are less than or equal to 64. Default = 64.


true enables the use of signature chrome in documents. Available placeholders include:

  • {{DocumentID}}
  • {{TaskID}}
  • {{ParticipantID}}
  • {{TransactionID}}
  • {{SignerName}}
  • {{Date}}
  • {{IpAddress}} (coming soon...)


Default: Signed By

You can include any text you wish here along with the placeholders listed above but there would be size limitations based on how it looks in your document.


Default: {{ParticipantID}}-{{TaskID}}

You can include any text you wish here along with the placeholders listed above but there would be size limitations based on how it looks in your document.


Sets the minimum number of days for document retention. Default value: 0.


Sets the maximum number of days for document retention. Default value: "" (blank). If left blank, documents are kept indefinitely.


Specifies the initial value for a group's Document Retention Value in Days. Default value is not set.


Setting to true enables cleanup to delete all Transaction Source.pdf files for completed transactions.


Setting to true enables cleanup to delete all Transaction <DocumentID>_v#.pdf files for completed transactions.


Setting to true enables cleanup to delete all Transaction <DocumentID>.pdf files for completed transactions if (and only if) you are using an HSM to seal documents which generates a <DocumentID>_Final.pdf file. Otherwise, these <DocumentID>.pdf files will never delete.
