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For multi-server/redundant server (Web farm) installations of AlphaTrust® e-Sign, the ProntoDir, ProntoImageDir, and ProntoWebImageDir directories must be located in a common shared file location accessible by all servers running AlphaTrust® e-Sign. This will typically be a SAN share or other file server share, and must not be a mapped drive. The settings for these three directories must be identical across all AlphaTrust® e-Sign installations.


Points to the hard disk directory that contains the transaction and document database. This database is organized under this directory by Account, then by transaction number, then by document number. For example, if ProntoDir=C:\AlphaTrust\Pronto\DB\ then document number 1112223334 within transaction 4443332221 created under the group System1 would be located in the C:\AlphaTrust\Pronto\DB\System1\4443332221\1112223334\ directory.


Points to the hard disk directory that contains the image database. Images that are part of a document ( <IMG /> tag ) are downloaded, hashed and stored in this database, not in the local document directory for the transaction. If an image file has been downloaded and hashed before (i.e. the hash matches) then it is not re-stored in the image database. This practice saves considerable disk space by avoiding redundant storage of identical image files.


Points to the hard disk directory that contains the root directory for template files for each group (ProntoID field in the SQL Account table. You will have a sub-directory under this directory for each Account in the system. There is one account setup initially - Default. Each directory contains email templates, header / footer files, and PDF Form templates used by transactions run under that account.


For multi server installations (Web farmed instances of AlphaTrust® e-Sign) you must map these locations to a common UNC share accessible to all servers in the Web farm. The UNC shares should not be on one of the servers running AlphaTrust® e-Sign. These shares are normally setup on a SAN.


The following values must end with a backslash character.


  • C:\AlphaTrust\Pronto\DB\
  • \\MYSERVER\MYSHARE\AlphaTrust\Pronto\DB\


The path on the local server for the SMTP service pickup directory, normally this is C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Pickup\. This value must match the SMTP Services' configured pickup directory in order for outbound email to function.